Program Overview

The ICONO/LAT 2016 technical program will include plenary and keynote talks, invited and selected contributed papers encompassing all fields of quantum electronics, laser physics, and their applications. Contributed papers are solicited in the areas listed in the ICONO/LAT topics sections of this web-site.

The International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics (ICONO) will emphasize basic research in lasers, nonlinear and quantum optics, quantum information and quantum computing, fundamental laser metrology, physics of high-power laser interactions with matter, and physics of nanostructures. The Lasers, Applications, and Technologies (LAT) conference complements the ICONO conference in a wide range of laser technologies and applications including laser device development, processing of advanced materials, optical information technologies, biomedicine and ecology applications.

It is expected that all the sessions of the ICONO/LAT 2016 will feature poster papers. During these sessions, presenters remain in the vicinity of their posters for informal discussions and explanations.

Special symposia will be organized in the frame of the ICONO/LAT 2016 to anticipate on emerging fields by putting emphasis on fast developing, well defined topics. Symposia rely on a large fraction of invited presentations but typically also accept contributed presentations. Unless the authors object, submissions may be transferred from "topic areas" to symposia and vice versa.

Download ICONO-LAT-2016-agenda-of-sessions-minutes.pdf

Download ICONO-2016-minutes-program.pdf

Download LAT-2016-minutes-program.pdf



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